As a baby sleep consultant, I hear the term “regression” used often when sleepy parents start to experience sleep challenges with their baby.
baby sleep consultant
Parenting in Quarantine: A Survival Guide from your Local Toddler Sleep Coach
If you are facing quarantine or a “shelter in place” order in your community, chances are you are struggling on some level. Suddenly families have been thrown into a way of life so far from our reality, that we are grasping to any shred of positivity we can muster up. Fear is high, morale is low, anxiety is high, and feelings of losing control are deeply felt.
Consignment Sale Hacks from a Local Baby and Newborn Sleep Consultant
As a baby, toddler, and newborn sleep consultant, my usual topic at hand is sleep training, of course. I’m going off the rails a little bit here and offering my advice on being a consignor at a children’s consignment sale and my tips and tricks to making a lot of...